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The Benefits of a Natural Gas Dryer

Decisions can be huge, tiny, or in between. A huge decision? Whether or not to remodel your kitchen a year or so before you plan to sell your house. After all, how do you know you’ll ever get that money back. An in-between decision? Do you take your early teen kids to Disney World before…

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Why You Should Drink More Water

Have you ever met anyone who advised you to drink less water?  No, and you probably won’t, either. On the other hand, what’s all the fuss about drinking more water?  Is it really that good for you, and how much is enough?  Answer to the first question:  yes.  Answer to the second:  roughly 8 8-oz.…

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How to Care for Your Live Christmas Tree

Whether you cut it down yourself or go the pre-cut route, there’s nothing quite like the look, feel, and scent of a real Christmas tree. A At the same time, it’s no fun watching the centerpiece of the holidays become dry and brittle long before the first carefully wrapped present is placed beneath it. So,…

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How to Simplify Home Living

What are the things you wish for daily, not counting winning Power Ball, a 100% increase in pay, or full college scholarships for your kids? We’re talking about small, realistic goals…things like less stress, better weather, someone else to make dinner for change.  That kind of thing.  Well, if you were to make a list,…

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How to Reduce Household Clutter

Isn’t it funny how, no matter how often you sort through your stuff to prevent clutter, it just seems to multiply right before your eyes? From bills and receipts, to shopping bags and containers, it’s easy to let clutter get the better of you. But it doesn’t have to be that way. In fact, just…

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The Case for More Outside Faucets

Whether you call them outside faucets or hose bibs, chances are you could benefit from one or more new ones.  Think about that for a minute, as in, how much more productive and convenient would life outdoors be if you had easier access to water?  If you have a faucet only in your backyard and…

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Benefits of an Under Sink Water Filter

Since your body is 72% water, doesn’t it make sense to drink water that’s 100% pure? We think so too. While there are different ways to accomplish that goal, here’s one that more and more people are turning to:  an under sink (also called “point-of-use”) water filter. Just like it sounds, a water filter is…

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5 DIY Tips for Home Owners

Calling all home owners…or at least those of you who’ve had it up to “here” with paying too much for household repairs and not knowing who to trust. As in, with a little mechanical aptitude and even a small tool box, there’s more you can do yourself than you probably realize.  Not to say you…

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Bathroom Cleaning Shortcuts

Cleaning the bathroom is no one’s idea of a good time.  It’s more along the lines of “Let’s just get this over with.” We’re with you 100% on that one.  Which is why we offer these time-saving bathroom cleaning tips to help you achieve the same “clean” as always, only faster. Keep your cleaning supplies…

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What You Should Know About Arthritis

About 21 million Americans are treated for arthritis every year, or, about 2 percent of the population.  And yet while arthritis is often associated to people 50 years and older, anyone can get it, even children. That takes care of one prevailing myth.  Let’s explode a few more. 1. Joint health is not a serious…

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